An expat no longer.

Having left Saudi 10 months ago I am no longer an ex-pat from UK. I’m now in the dilemma of having to stop using this blog and set up a new one or keeping this one as an option to reflect on my 28 years in the Middle East. ???? What to do?


Happy camping days in the desert:)

An expat no more!

It’s now 2 weeks since I arrived back in Scotland. I can’t really believe I won’t be returning to Saudi in a couple of weeks. I have a feeling that after 28 years away it won’t all be plain sailing settling back to everyday life. I know there are quite a few aspects I will miss – a big one being the lovely friends I had, but I am looking forward to having time and opportunity to pursue some of my interests. One huge change will be being able to drive myself anywhere I want. I’m still procrastinating on that one as I haven’t taken courage to drive our new car! Our new car